My Ex Reads My Messages But Doesn’t Reply: How To Make Your Ex Reply To Your Text

Charles Simon
7 min readSep 13, 2020


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

My ex reads my messages but doesn’t reply — How to make your ex reply to your text.

If you’ve ever tried to send text messages to your ex after a breakup, then one of the first dilemmas you probably faced was figuring out how to get your ex to text you back. Few things are more frustrating than trying to make things right and getting no cooperation from your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend.

You mash your fingers to the key pad, type out a text, press send, and all you get in return is…silence.

So how do you get your ex to text you back?

First, it’s important to realize you can’t MAKE your ex text you back. If they’re not ready to talk to you, then they’re not ready to talk to you. Pressing them will only make things worse.

On that note, if you want to know how to get your ex to text you back, then don’t send multiple text messages. If you send a message and get no response, don’t bombard your ex’s cell phone with a bunch more messages asking why he or she isn’t responding to you. A good rule of thumb is to never send more than two texts in a row without getting a response.

If your ex doesn’t reply, then it probably means they don’t want to right now. Give them space. Give them time. Don’t text them for a couple weeks and then try again later. They may just need more time after the breakup to get their emotions in order.

The next thing you can do to get your ex to text you back is to actually not put any pressure on them for a response. It sounds counter-intuitive, but the less you press your ex for a response, the more likely you’ll get one.

After a breakup, you need to make sure you formulate your texts in a way that allows your ex to respond if they want to, but that also leaves your ex an “out” in case they aren’t quite ready to talk. Feeling backed into a corner makes people feel stressed and they shut down, so don’t make your ex feel that way with your texts.

Also, use your text messages to create positive experiences. Focus on fun experiences and memories; things that might make your ex laugh or smile rather than making them stressed and/or horrified. Give them a reason to WANT to talk to you.

Refuse to go negative and refuse to get into fights over text. Also, don’t focus on the past relationship. It’s dead and gone and talking about it only leads to more hurt and frustration.

Your ex is much more likely to respond to you if they know your text is going to be upbeat and fun rather than something that makes them feel horrible. If they know every text you send is some sort of plea to get them back, something asking how they feel about you, or a million other stressful questions, then they’re going to cringe every time they hear the “beep” of a new message from you on their cell phone.

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Do you sit and wait for your ex to reply to your text messages?

I know how you feel. My ex would send me a text message and I’d reply as quickly as I possible could, even though I thought I was playing it cool.

What does it all mean? Why hasn’t he responded?

It’s actually very easy to know what is going on. You do the same I bet.

1. When you reply to your ex’s text message or send them one. You’re coming from a position and emotion of desperation and lack.

2. If your ex normally gets your text messages. They got this one too. They are scared, frighten, worried, what you might think, trying to figure out the hidden message behind what you have written.

How can you not worry so much, appear so desperate or just send the message and let it be.

1. You can just send the message then turn off your phone and leave it off until tomorrow.

If that is too much for you. You need to work out what the emotions are that you are feeling.

Are you feeling guilt, anger, hurt, lose? The easiest way I know of getting over what you are feeling so that you can move forward, how ever you want to do that is:

1. Learn to give your ex space and cut all communications with them. Once you do that, you’ll no longer becoming from a position of lack, limitation and worry about what he may or may not be doing and thinking.

You’ll be able to do and say things which will help you get your ex back, not push him away.

2. Really think about what is important to you in a relationship. It’s only by letting go of your old relationship feelings and worry that you can then start getting your relationship back on track and even better than it was before.

What kind of relationship do you really want anyway?

Don’t leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back

Do you want to know how to get back together with your ex? Are you sure you want to give them relationship another try? Break ups happen all of the time but somewhere along the line you must have missed all of the clues. Then bam, the break up occurs and you’re all alone and by yourself.

Regardless of what you think something went unbelievable wrong in your relationship. Maybe you got the clues that a breakup was coming and you were a day late and a dollar short. You just could not fix the things that needed to be fixed in time or you just said to yourself, (he’s/she’s) not going anywhere.

Regardless of the situation, sometimes it’s just too little to late when you try to patch things up with ex.
Before you can get back together with ex you need to take a look at the big picture. Did you do something to make them more distance from you? Or was it a result of something you both did. The say two wrong don’t make a right, but it for sure it makes you even? Is this the way you and your ex think?

In so many relationships things are just pushed under the rug. No matter how bad the problem is you just brush it off and not talk about. Communication is the key to success and the key to keeping a healthy relationship and getting back together with ex. If you want to win your ex back you need to be asking yourself what went wrong?

In order for you to get your ex back, knowing were things went wrong is essential. And once you have identified them it’s time to suck up your pride and admit your faults. When you are trying to get back with ex never pick a fight and point the finger. Any situations or events that happened that you want to point out why you are not the whole blame for the situation will have to wait. Remember you want to get your ex back and not push them away. Regardless if you are talking to with your ex for the first time after the break up, this is not the time or place to be pointing fingers. Your main agenda is to apologize despite who’s the blame.

It is essential to tie up all loose ends before you even try to get back together with ex. Working out the problems that led to the break up is critical if you want to get back together and stay together. If the problems are not resolved before you get back together, what makes you think the relationship is going to work?

If you get back together with ex and pick things up were they left off, the tension and accumulated frustrations will still be there. Look at it like this, if the relations ended on a sour note because of situations that one or both of you didn’t address, then it will probably end the same way again.

What I am trying to stress here is whatever problem you had before your relationship ended, needs to be addressed before you even consider getting back together with ex. If it was something you did not like then fix it, if you truly love your ex you will accept the things that you cannot change about yourself or your ex, and fix the things about yourself that can be fixed by all means necessary!

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

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Charles Simon

Charles Simon is an expert relationship adviser with six years of experience in reuniting ex-lovers.