Ex Boyfriend Says He Misses Me Then Ignores Me: Ex Reached Out Then Ignored Me

Charles Simon
8 min readSep 11, 2020


Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

Ex boyfriend says he misses me then ignores me — Ex reached out then ignored me.

Your ex is sending you mixed signals because he/she is confused about their own feelings towards you, but it is driving you crazy as you just do not know how to react. If you are hoping to get your ex back, this makes your job all the more difficult. Read on to understand what these signals mean.

Remain composed
Do not get stressed about the situation, your ex’s mixed signals are indications that he/she is still confused or scared about commitment. Relax and believe in yourself to see you through this tough phase. Assure yourself that your ex still cares for you and will recognize his/her feelings for you.

Your ex is mixed up
It shows his/her confusion and maybe with time they will sort out their feelings for you. However, it does mean that they are interested in you because otherwise they would have just not bothered to contact you. Show patience for them to figure out their confusion on their own.

Your ex is in touch regularly
If your ex is calling you regularly then it shows that they have feelings for you and they care for you. Their mind may say that the relationship is over, but deep in their heart they still feel the love which is not easy to overlook. You can be pretty sure that they will eventually come back to you once they understand themselves.

They become unavailable for some time
When you are warming up to their calls you find them withdrawn all together. You are angry and frustrated with this uncertain behavior, but recognize that they need time to clear their thoughts.

Be his friend
At the moment do not think of your ex as more than a friend. Keep doing whatever you are busy with and if you think of dating someone else, talk to your ex and let them know that they are not being straight forward. Tell them that you are confused about where this friendship is heading.

Things might actually work
This means that things are pretty open and there is a chance that things will work out for good. It gives you opportunity to discuss and offer new ideas which can bring about improvement in the relationship. When things are undecided there is always a scope of it getting better.

Give your ex the same treatment
You can just do what your ex has been doing and give him the same treatment. Chances are your ex will get the hint and open up to how he actually feels about you.

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The economic law of diminishing marginal returns probably works in human relations as well. Excessive intimacy tends to create boredom if not outright contempt. And then, even little aberrations that once added to your charm start appearing big and outrageous.

This is one reason why most break-ups occur. Getting bored and finding excuses to cover up the boredom and break away is human nature.

So, there is nothing strange if it has happened with you as well. It has happened with thousands like you before and is happening even now.

There is no need to feel despondent. If the couples have broken up, they have patched up as well. And remember, once they reunite, they love each other with greater sanity and vigour than before. They rediscover the positive points that they had ignored or missed out during their first term.

They learn from their mistakes and try not to repeat them. A break-up may, thus, come up as a boon. This time you are going to live happily forever and ever.

The question is how to get your ex back?

In order to answer this question, you should go back to the days when you first fell in love with each other. If you are a woman, you must realize that you had something mysterious about you. It created an intrigue, an enigma, a charm that made you irresistible to your lover. You drove him crazy for discovering the mystique or the aura that surrounded you. Strangely enough, you did not project this image consciously. It just happened on its own.

This was your secret weapon, though you did not know about it.

Now you have to consciously recreate that old charm, the mystique, the dreamlike attainability and elusiveness in order to captivate him once again. This time you have to use all your feminine art and craft to charm your lover into your arms.

This can be done by remaining aloof from him for quite some time. You may show yourself in small glimpses off and on. You may even say ‘hi’ if you happen to meet, but it should be like an acquaintance without stopping to prolong the meeting. Don’t show any animosity or resistance.

Go for an attractive makeover. Buy new clothes. Get back to your old friends. Resume the unfinished tasks. Join a gym or a club. Bring back your old charming smile on your face and a mischievous twinkle in your eyes. Get on with your life as if nothing has happened.

But you might say you cannot act this drama.

You don’t have to if you can’t. You just try to be as natural as you were before you fell in love with your ex. Your mystique will automatically come back.

Remember, however, you have to be sincere in your intentions even if you are trying to be artful. Sincerity and truthfulness are, by their very nature, contagious. It is like a mother trying to be clever with her child to bring him on the path.

At the same time be accessible and responsive if your ex makes moves for reconciliation. Rest assured, the move is bound to come, if only you wait and be patient. This is the nature of love. It does not die easily. Sweet memories spring up again and again with renewed fervour. They make you forget the ‘small human mistakes’. You yearn for the good old times as the bitterness fades away.

Whatever be the cause of your breakup with your lover, it may be infidelity, loss of interest and dispute for whatever reason, your relationship can be brought back to old love and warmth.

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

Are you just devastated by the way he called off your relationship, do you feel empty and listless with an empty dull ache in your heart that he used to fill? Despite all of this you still want to get your boyfriend back? so please try the 8 tips that will guide you through the stages you need to follow. These tips, based on past experience, are the best way to go, they will give you the best chance to get your boyfriend back.

1) Do not chase after him, no texts, no calls, no following him around, do not be tempted to ‘accidentally’ show up where he hangs out. Actions like this will more than likely just turn him even more against you. To get him back you need to get him to come to you not the other way about.

2) Cut out your negativity and frustration at the breakup, concentrate on the positives in your life, it will enable you to project a more attractive persona to everybody including your old boyfriend.

3) One of the best ways to wash him out of your hair is to sit down and write a long letter to him about how he hurt you, together with all the things that you wished you had ever said to him. Once you have got all your feelings on paper, take a good look at it, read it over several times then destroy it! Preferably burn it and as you watch the flames and smoke rise, that is the end of the old relationship, that is your closure, it is now time to move on as a new and better person.

4) You are now in a new positive phase of your life, be positive in all things to help you with this. Do not let your friends say bad things about your ex, they are only trying to make you happy, but this gives off negative vibes that will not help.

5) If you do think about your ex, and who doesn’t?, think about the nice things you used to do with him, if you should meet him talk only about the great times you had together. Remember positive NOT negative is much more attractive to him.

6) If you feel that you are making some progress, try to concentrate on the things that he found attractive about you, something he may have praised you for in the past. It may be something simple like good cooking so try and learn more about cooking.

7) The down side of your relationship may have shown your weaknesses, so remember the things he complained about and try to do something about them, you will be a better person and he will probably find that attractive and look at you in a new light.

8) Lastly be friendly to him and others, if someone wants to take you out go, have some fun, it does not have be a serious relationship, just go out as friends.

Work on your strengths, be more positive, remember your weaknesses and work to get them out of your life, then you are going to be more attractive to him and you will almost certainly get your boyfriend back

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

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Charles Simon

Charles Simon is an expert relationship adviser with six years of experience in reuniting ex-lovers.