My Ex Says He’s Still Attracted To Me: When Your Ex Tells You He Still Loves You

Charles Simon
8 min readSep 14, 2020


Photo by Christiana Rivers on Unsplash

“My ex says he’s still attracted to me — When your ex tells you he still loves you.” You may be wondering how I know I can get my ex boyfriend back and why I think he still loves me but seriously, I can and I do. I can get my ex back because I have been through this before and I know he still loves me because he isn’t seeing any body new. Have you said this to yourself before?

The fact is you may be right. Just because a guy breaks up with you doesn’t really mean it has to be over and chances are unless he stopped caring about you long before he broke up with you, he does still care a lot about you. But do you really want him back if he is going to treat you this way?

Maybe you are the one who did the breaking up and only want to get back with him now because you feel lonely. I know that feeling as well because I have definitely gone down that road so if you got rid of him because you really aren’t crazy about him, then think long and hard before trying to get your ex back. Do you really love him or are you just lonely?

The first thing that needs to happen, is you need to determine the degree of nonsense that caused the break up. For example, did you get caught cheating on him? If so, and the ex boyfriend does not agree at all with that, you probably will not be able to get him back. If the relationship was brought to an end because of other people talking and rumors spreading, that is something you will have to work out with him. Then you need to make him understand how people are. Meaning, other people do not like to see two people happy together in some cases, and will do anything possible to create chaos within your relationship.

The second thing is you and your ex boyfriend need to talk things out. If the break up happened as a result of him not being honest with you. You should probably just let that boyfriend go. Honesty is the best policy always. When a relationship is structured on honesty, there is trust formed. This trust when built securely, cannot be penetrated by mere gossip, and troublemakers.

If there was any type of physical violence within the relationship, and you were non-deserving of it, then you should chase those get back together thoughts completely out of your head. Regardless of the situation, if a man hits a woman, he will do it again, no matter how much he says he will not. It is proven many times over.

If your ex boyfriend will not talk to you, find someone that can become a neutral party, and exchange messages for you. This is an elementary school method but it does work. You have to decide if you want to resort to an immature technique. After all, if he will not talk to you, it is his loss.

When your ex boyfriend talks to you, and you broke up on fairly good terms. Just break the ice with him all over again. Start at the beginning of the relationship, and try to remember what initiated the connection in the first place. Then do it all over again, chances are your ex boyfriend forgot and will fall for the same scenario all over again.

Next, rack your brain to recall what he likes and dislikes. Then of course, do the things he likes you to do, and act like he likes you to act. Men think they are kings, so in order to get one back you have to play like you are a queen. Treat him like royalty, just until you get him back though. Do not spoil him rotten, there are many fish in the sea. All an independent female needs is a large hook, a strong pole, unbreakable line, and a very nice boat.

To bring this to an end, if you honestly want your ex boyfriend back, go for it. When the feelings are mutual between you and him there should be a limited amount of friction. However, if the feelings are different, according to what the length of time a grudge could last, you may have some trouble making your way back into his heart.

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If you’ve just gone through a breakup and you don’t feel like being bothered by anyone or are emotionally drained and depressed. Going through a breakup is never an easy task. But you have to cope with all of these negative feelings and still face your daily responsibilities in life.

It can be hard to do so when all you think about is how to get back my man. Especially if you are deeply in love with him, these feelings can be highly overwhelming. If you are still in love with your ex-boyfriend or husband, here are some crucial tips to help you get your man back.

How To Get Back My Man: Tip #1

The first thing you need to do is deal with the breakup head on. What I mean by this is you need to accept that the breakup happened. This does not necessarily mean that you’re letting your man go forever, but in a sense your man needs to believe that you have moved on.

If you refuse to accept the breakup and don’t give your man’s space you may send your man the wrong message. So what message am I sending him? The message that you are sending him is that you are desperate and needy. In some cases you may be showing him that you’re obsessed with him. You need to show him that you can live without him and that you are not dependent upon him.

If you constantly harass your man and ask for a second chance, you may give him the wrong message. Besides pushing your man farther away, you are also in a way telling him that you are willing to wait forever to get him back. However this is not the way to get your man back.

Do not do anything that will make you look desperate in his eyes. Accept the fact that the breakup has occurred and wish your ex-boyfriend or man the best in all that he does. This will send a message to him that you have moved on. If you ex-boyfriend really does want to be with you but he’s not letting it show. The fear that you have moved on and possibly found someone else will scare him. Your ex-boyfriend will put down his guard and start to open up to you again. This is what you want.

How To Get Back My Man: Tip #2

The second tip to help you get your man back deals with mutual friends and the way you act around people that he is close to also. If you and your ex-boyfriend or man both have mutual friends or close family members, you should try to stay away from them if it is possible.

Why? Your ex-boyfriend may not like the fact that you are sharing personal information with his family members and friends. Let’s think about it, how many times have you said that you were not going to tell somebody something but you still did? But you still did. Well this happens all the time.

Your mutual friend promises you that they will not say a word to your ex-boyfriend but they do anyway. You may tell them that your ex-boyfriend is a complete idiot out of frustration, how he screwed you over, or why y’all broke up. Nine times out of ten the things that you say will get back to them. And if you say something bad about him or something rather personal all you are going to do is piss him off and pushing him farther away.

The best thing to do is to keep his family and friends out of the relationship. No one likes hearing something their ex said from their family or friends. If someone does ask what happened to you and your man, find a polite way to say that you’d rather not discuss it at the time.

How To Get Back My Man: Tip #3

The last thing you don’t want to do is stalk your ex-boyfriend. So don’t call him numerous times a day or send him countless text messages. One of the worst things that you can do is show up at his job, school or places where he normally hangs out. Sure you may bump into your man every once in a while but if it happens to often things may start looking suspicious to your man. If you want to get your ex-boyfriend back the last thing you want to do is look like a stalker.

During a breakup one of the most important things you can do is find something to keep yourself occupied. Do you have a hobby that you enjoy? Find something to help you keep your mind off of your man. Never spy on your ex-boyfriend or try to catch him with another girl. What you want to do is make your ex-boyfriend miss you and if you keep popping up wherever he hangs out at he will never have the chance to.

So whatever you do, do not push your ex farther away by constantly calling him, sending him messages on MySpace, sending text messages, and popping up wherever he hangs out at.

To get your man back, you need to pay close attention to the things that you are doing. Do not do things that will push your man farther away and potentially ruin all of your chances of getting back your man. All it takes is one bad action, or saying something wrong to your ex at the wrong time and place to ruin your chances.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

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Charles Simon

Charles Simon is an expert relationship adviser with six years of experience in reuniting ex-lovers.