Me And My Ex Always Make Eye Contact: Ex Staring Into My Eyes

Charles Simon
7 min readSep 13, 2020


Photo by Jacob Bourgeois on Unsplash

Me and my ex always make eye contact — Ex staring into my eyes.

If you’ve just gone through a tough breakup, you’re probably wondering if there’s any chance you’ll ever get back together with your ex. Did you both go too far? Were things said that you just can’t take back? Is it possible to get back together after a hard breakup?

Here are 10 signs that they’re not ready to give up on you just yet:

1. Are you getting positive eye contact from your ex or do they avoid eye contact altogether? Lack of eye contact could mean they don’t want you to mistake it for intimacy.

2. Is your ex still calling you? If they are, they haven’t completely given up on you.

3. Are they still keeping in contact with your family or friends? This is a very strong indicator that they still have an emotional attachment towards you. If they didn’t want to see you, they’d cut off all contact completely with anyone that had anything to do with you.

4. Try wearing a new article of clothing or show off a new hairstyle. See if you get a compliment. If so, that’s a good indicator they still care.

5. Try steering the conversation towards the actual breakup. Are you picking up any signs of remorse? Are they taking responsibility for their part in the breakup? What kind of language are they using -does it sound apologetic or critical?

6. Casually mention someone of the opposite sex during your conversation. Does your ex suddenly get quiet? Does their mood suddenly change from happy to sad? This will be very noticeable and should speak volumes.

7. Try asking them if they’re interested in someone else. If they’re still single and not looking, that’s a good sign. They’re probably still holding a torch for you.

8. Try flirting a little bit by touching their arm during conversation or teasing them in a fun way. Do they reciprocate?

9. Try to maintain a friendship through live meetings, e-mail, or the occasional text message. Be playful and flirt with them to see if you get a positive response.

10. Meet your partner for lunch or a coffee. Try to gauge their reaction to things you say and try to read between the lines as much as possible. Notice how they react when you bring up the possibility of getting back together. Do they seem happy about the possibility?

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Dealing with a bad breakup can be quite difficult. However, what you may not know is that there are ways that you can get your ex back. Wondering how to get your ex back? You’re not alone. There are many people out there wondering if there is a way that they can get their ex back into their lives. So, instead of moping around and letting despair overwhelm you, here’s your step by step guide on how to get your ex back. Use it and you’ll be able to bring your ex back into your life again.

Step #1 — Never Go Running Back — First of all, make sure that you never go running back to your ex. You don’t want to appear desperate to them and they probably aren’t quite ready to talk to you yet. It’s a great idea to allow them to have a bit of time after you breakup. No doubt they are feeling stressed out and hurt too. So, don’t just try to run back to them, but allow some time for healing.

Step #2 — Make Time Away from Each other Constructive — While you are apart from your ex, if you want to know how to get your ex back, you need to start out by making that time away from each other constructive. Start thinking about the relationship and where it went wrong. If you had problems that caused the relationship to break up, then work on fixing the problems. This time away from your ex can help you to improve yourself.

Step #3 — Initiate Friendly Contact — After some time has gone by, initiating some friendly contact is the next step. Perhaps send them an email or even give them a call. Just make sure that it is friendly and kept light. This is not the time to beg them to come back to you. You need to go slowly if you want to get them back. So, keep that first contact on a friendship level.

Step #4 — Begin Spending Time — Once you have made that first contact, if you want to know how to get your ex back, now it is time to start spending a bit of time together. Get together for coffee, hang out for an evening. Just work on spending more and more time together as friends, rebuilding the friendship that you use to have.

Step #5 — Work on Trust — Last of all, it’s important that you work on rebuilding trust. No doubt that trust you used to have has been broken. So, you need to build up trust again. This will take some time, but it will be worth it. Show your ex that you have made changes and that you can be trusted. Once you earn back the trust, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to get back together again.

Don’t leave getting your ex back to chance, follow a proven step by step formula to get your ex back today at: Complete Guide To Getting Your Ex Back

After the breakup — you will be hurting, you cannot believe it is over and you will not accept it. All you think about is getting back together after your break up, you can make a reconciliation possible if you really work at getting it to happen. If you absolutely love your ex-partner and want to re-ignite the flame, then there are some things you need to think about. The first thing you need to be clear and honest about is the cause of the breakup and how it happened, only then can you do something to bring about your reconciliation.

Your basic instinct is call your ex up and plead with them to come back, but this is not the way, nor is hiding away at home and crying, nor losing yourself in your work, so that you do not have the time to sit around and think of them. If you are sure that you want to get back together, then I would urge you to consider these 3 steps, that in my experience, offer the best chance for a positive outcome.

First step- this step is vital, you must be honest with yourself and remember what caused the breakup and accept that this problem was the real cause. This may be hard for you to recognise and that the breakup happened because of that. You must also come to terms with this new reality that your old relationship was doomed and that you will have to work hard to get a new relationship going with your ex.

Second step- time is a great healer, so do not rush to contact your ex while you work out how and why things went wrong in the first place. Take your time consider all the ways that you can think of to improve your relationship, go over it a few times, be honest with yourself, and do not get obsessive about your feelings. Once you have straightened out your thoughts and have a clear plan, then think about getting in touch with your ex.

Third Step- by this stage you should be sure that you are still in love with him or her before you go any further, if you have any doubt walk away now. With the old relationship over and your plans for re-igniting the flame that once burned between you ready, you must now implement your plans, put all the old problems behind you and concentrate on the positive thoughts about getting back together after a breakup.

Do not come on too heavy, start slowly with a friendly conversations, let things develop naturally and just see where this takes you. Golden rules — Do not rush things — Think positively, and you will find getting back together after a breakup should be easier than you imagined.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

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Charles Simon

Charles Simon is an expert relationship adviser with six years of experience in reuniting ex-lovers.