My Ex Girlfriend Has A New Boyfriend Already: How To Get Your Ex Back When She Has Moved On To A New Boyfriend

Charles Simon
6 min readNov 26, 2020


Photo by Tibor Pápai on Unsplash

Knowing that the woman you love is involved with someone else is overwhelming. If she happens to be your ex girlfriend, it stings even more. Losing the woman you adore and then seeing her with a new guy is obviously difficult. It may make you feel that all hope for a future for the two of you has been lost. It doesn’t necessarily have to be that way. Knowing how to get your ex girlfriend back when she has a new boyfriend can give you the second chance you want with her. If you love her and you’re convinced that you’re the man she should be with, don’t sit idly by hoping she’ll dump him for you. You need to be proactive and get to work on a plan to steal her away from him so you can get her back in your arms where she belongs.

Learning how to get your ex girlfriend back when she has a new boyfriend starts with understanding the importance of being her friend. It’s really hard to shift your mindset from lover to friend but that’s exactly what you need to be doing. Since she’s already dating a new guy, you know that she’s not open to renewing her romantic relationship with you right now. However, she would probably welcome the chance to be friends with you. Women love being friends with their exes. Show her that you can indeed be friends by not bringing up what’s happened in the past.

Also, be certain not to overstep the boundary of her new relationship. Don’t ask her how it’s going with the new guy and don’t talk poorly about him to her. Anything negative you say about him will just make her feel more distant from you and closer to him. She’ll likely feel protective of him and label you as jealous and petty. This is a crucial mistake that many men make and it can cost them any chance of a future with their ex, so be careful of what you say.

You also want to be as supportive as you can be. Offer your help if she ever needs it but don’t allow yourself to become her go to guy. It’s easy for a woman to start taking advantage of an ex if he sets himself up for that. Treat her as you would any other friend you have. Call her to see how she is sometimes and allow her to share whatever she wants to share. By doing this you are putting yourself in a position of her confidante and when her new relationship falls apart, you’ll be the first person she turns to for comfort.

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My ex girlfriend has a new boyfriend already — How to get your ex back when she has moved on to a new boyfriend.

In life sometimes things happen. Some things you have control over, and some things you can’t possible control no matter what you think. No matter how hard you try if you are one step late in the game, the inevitable will happen. Like Forrest Gump said, things happen! And that is nothing but the truth.

Unfortunately these types of things happen all the time. I know what you’re thinking “ I know break ups happen all the time, who cares I want to get her back now, like yesterday!” I see, so you want to get her back like yesterday, time is ticking and you have put too much into the relationship to let her go.

Are you constantly calling your ex and begging her with all of your life for a second chance? You are? Well let me tell you this; if you are you have to be smarter than that. You are going about getting her back all wrong, what you are actually doing is pushing your ex further and further away!

Whoever said girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice must not have known my girl! Just think about it, it’s almost like they are not on the same level as you, or understand the way you think. So I feel your pain. But you have to understand that if your girl broke up with you she has a valid reason. Maybe you did one thing that tipped her over the edge, or maybe things have accumulated over time and she could not take any more? Only you know the truth!

Let me put it like this, in order to get her back you have to first understand where the things hit the fan! Is your break up is a total shock or did you see it coming from a mile away? Were you overly protective? Did you let her go out with her friends or did you become possessive and hate all of her friends because you thought they were up to no good when it was girl’s night out? Ask yourself were you? If you were, like Barack Obama said “It’s Time For A Change!”

Maybe you did something stupid like you cheated on her or you really touched a soft spot. Regardless of what you did you need to suck it up, and let her know that you made a mistake, and that you really care for her. You do want to get her back right? Try and tell her that you are sincerely sorry, but don’t smoother her. Don’t call her every day begging for forgiveness. She needs to feel that you are truly sorry and that you will never do that stupid mess again.

If you really want to get her back, let her breath. Give her a chance to think about the relationship. The worst thing you can do is harass her and keep calling and calling asking for a second chance.

If this is you stop it. All you are doing is pushing her farther and farther away.
Trust Me!

If you really want to get her back don’t call her. Let her start missing you and wondering how you are doing. Think about it if you stop calling her cold turkey what is she going to do! She is going to think you are crazy and wonder if you are ok. The last thing you want to do is look like you are desperate and obsessed with her. No one wants to be with someone who is obsessed with them.

Despite having the urge to pick up the phone every time you feel it’s necessary give her time to breath. This will allow her to miss you and that’s what you want. Sooner or later she will call you and if not your emotions and anger over the break up will be lessened by now. Remember you want her to feel like you are doing OK without her.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

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Charles Simon

Charles Simon is an expert relationship adviser with six years of experience in reuniting ex-lovers.