Ex Says I Want You To Be Happy: When Your Ex Says You Deserve To Be Happy

Charles Simon
7 min readOct 5, 2020


Photo by Candice Picard on Unsplash

It is quite normal, when couples break up to need a time for cooling off, where both parties are adjusting mentally to the fact that they are not together any longer. The more intense the relationship, the more difficult the break up is going to be. Often times in these cases one of the partners may have second thoughts about the break up. How do you tell if they are having second thoughts, by nature a lot of times we don’t say what is on our minds, this is also a cause of a lot of relationships failing. You may be in a situation right now where you’ve broken up with someone and are wondering if your ex is showing signs they want you back. Here are some surefire signs your ex wants you back:

Contact and Involvement — When your ex suddenly contacts you with no apparent cause, ‘just to talk’, and drops a hint of a task/ plan/ or project that includes the two of you spending time with each other, it means they miss you, and want you around.

They Want To Impress You— When someone is attracted to someone else they want to look their best when they are around them. If you see that your ex is sprucing up their wardrobe, getting in shape, has made some other major change in their life that they know would impress you, then you should open your eyes and pay attention. This is a sign that your ex wants you back. They are doing these things waiting for you to take notice and acknowledge the efforts they have made to make these positive changes.

Bringing Something During His/Her Office Hours/ Even At Home — Bringing something like food or a thing can be a big sign that they still cares about you. Its pretty obvious that they want you in their life. It can make someone think that he/she still cares for you by doing so.

Ex Easily Gets Jealous — Knowing that they get jealous only gives a hint that they still cares for you and still want you. Its only when he/she doesn’t feel something or no reaction at all either way you may conclude that he/she really doesn’t care about you.

Always Contact Your Family and Friends — Did your ex run into your mom or a friend on the street and ask how you were doing? Does your ex grill your mutual friends to find out how your dating life has been going since the break-up? If you’re still on his or her mind even when you’re not around, your ex is definitely not over you!

Body language: There could be instances of innocent flirtation, more importantly if they tend to make contact with you, playful hitting, stroking your arm, etc. If they look into your eyes when you talk to them and show an increased interest for what you’re saying, it can signal that their comfort level hasn’t changed.

Change/Improvement: If your ex shows signs of, or promises to change something about their behaviour, or improves themselves in one way or another, you know they’re serious about getting back together. Especially if it is to do with past suggestions — for example, something you had said to them, or fought with them about while together. This can indicate very openly that your judgment matters to them above all else.

Relationships are really complicated and complex. Do not be too insensitive to yourself. Do not take for granted the things he/she did for you. Those are the signs that he/she still cares for you. No matter where things are now,you can always lean on each others shoulder.

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Ex says I want you to be happy — When your ex says you deserve to be happy.

Are you trying to get back together with your ex? Well if you are you probably just experienced a nasty breakup. If you have tried to get your ex back with no luck, you are probably wondering, “How in the world can I get back together with my ex?” I have been there and you probably want to get them back as fast as possible. If this is you don’t worry, the emotions that you are feeling are common.

Losing your ex can have you full of raging emotions and leave you depressed. But your emotions can have you making stupid mistakes that can screw your chances of getting you ex back.

So what can I do to get back with my ex?

That’s probably what you are wondering. First let me tell you what not to do. Many people they call their ex and start begging them for the second chance immediately. But does that really help the situation at all.

Instead of making things better by begging for a second chance. What do you do? You actually make things with your ex even worse, and your ex becomes even more distant.

So if you want to know how to get back with your ex this is what you do. Whatever you are thinking about doing do the opposite. I’m serious, if you feel the urge to call your ex, DON’T. If you fill like crying a river drinking your favorite bottle and listening to your ex favorite love song. Just say no. This will only lead to worse things, trust me!

Instead, if you follow these three crazy but simple steps you will discover what most people do not have a clue, when they looking for the answer to this widely asked question “How To Get Back With Your Ex?”

All right lets dig in. The first step to getting back with you ex is to Accept the Break Up. I know what your thinking “ How can I get back with my ex if I accept the break up?

Trust me this is something that needs to be done. You need to tell yourself that you are okay with the breakup, and allow the healing process to begin.

So what does this do?

It helps lessen the tension between you and your ex, and further reduces any stress you both may be going through. Think about it, your ex really needs time to think about the relationship. This goes for you too. Lets face it, if your ex realizes they still love you, with the psychological strategies I am about to show you they will find their way back to you! Seriously…

This next step should not be taken lightly. Now this may not make since to you but when you have that urge to call your ex, Don’t! Sometimes ex’s feed of emotions, and love the fact that they are putting you through misery.

You should cut of all communication with your ex boyfriend, girlfriend, ex wife or whatever…. its time to give them some thinking time. This may seem like you’re going against the grain, but by cutting communication off with your ex, you are sending them a signal that you are over them and that you are doing just fine, despite your hidden agenda.

So what does this do? This lets your ex reminisce about the relationship at night, and think about how they truly feel about you. But, most importantly this allows your ex to miss you and wonder how you’re doing. Don’t be surprise if you get a text or a call. No matter what you do be calm.

The last step is very crucial to getting your ex back. Screw this up and you will be right back at the drawing board. You see, what you should do is plan on meeting your ex. This will allow you to get a better idea of whether or not your ex still loves you, and also if there is any chance that you and your ex will be able to get back together.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

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Charles Simon

Charles Simon is an expert relationship adviser with six years of experience in reuniting ex-lovers.