I Pushed Him Away and Now He’s Gone: How To Get Him Back If You Scared Him Away

Charles Simon
8 min readSep 4, 2020


Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

I pushed him away and now he’s gone — How to get him back if you scared him away.

You love him but he did something wrong that hurt you so much. When you expressed your anger you did not expect that you have driven him away. Now, after nights of crying, you ask yourself, “how to get my boyfriend back after I drove him away?”

This is the usual scene of some women who wanted their boyfriends back. If you are one of these women, you must understand that in a relationship, there will always be happy and sad times. You must also identify that most of these sad times were caused by misunderstandings. So when these things happen, you must also comprehend that the answer to how to get my boyfriend back is not to just cry but to do something about it.

One thing you must do is to gain self-respect. Convince yourself that this is how to get my boyfriend back. This may not be easy because at times when we felt responsible about something, we feel like giving everything to the guy. This is not right. Instead of bringing him back, you simply lose his respect on you. This does not also mean that you have to be full of pride. Remember that men loved to be treated well, which means you treat him well but make sure you keep reservations for yourself. Men love women who know how to respect themselves.

You must also stop talking about other men. Men love to boost their ego, they would rather hear you appreciate the things he had done than hear you talk about what other men has that they don’t have. However, being too obvious about it may be too much. You may just focus on one nice trait he had.

Never pressure him also. If you are a woman who wants to know the answer to “how to get my boyfriend back” then the answer is, do not try to define his role to you. Men does not want their roles or feelings be challenged.

Moreover, if you want to know “how to get my boyfriend back,” then you must understand that you must not try to change him. Allow him to be who he is. Remember you cannot mold him to become who you want him to be. If you dreamed of him to someone else, then look for that someone else.

These are not the only ways you can get your boyfriend back. You can discover other answers to “how to get my boyfriend back.” What you have read in this article are just some of the many ways.

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Are you looking for proven ways to get your ex-boyfriend back? In this article, you will find some of these powerful methods to get your ex back and save you the time of looking any further.

For starters, you need to uncover the reasons behind the split, why did your ex lose interest in you? Was it because of something you have said or done? If it was the case, then simply put your ego aside and apologise, this will neither hurt your self-importance nor lower your standards. On the contrary, of what you may think, apologizing will show your ex-boyfriend that you respect him and can assume your responsibility when you are at fault.

Once you overcome this first step, you need to begin courting him again. Simply show him what he has missed by leaving you. Let him remember the unforgettable moments you both once spent together. You can easily find some old pictures of both of you, print them and send him a copy. You can even mail him an album of his favorite songs. You see, you know a lot about your ex-boyfriend; it is only a matter of using this knowledge in your favor.

Sometimes getting an ex back does not take much than simple gestures that prove how much you like your ex-boyfriend. You always have the possibility to ask him directly what makes him angry at you; or what he expects you to do to get him back. Most of the time the most powerful way to get a man back is to be honest with him. Instead of sweeping the problems under the carpet, simply find them the appropriate solution.

Right now, your ex-boyfriend may feel hurt; therefore, you need to give him the necessary time to let him make these hurtful feelings go of. It is not easy to gain his trust all over again in a short time; but with persistence and irresistible romance, nothing can stand in your way, to get him crawling back on his knees.

You may send him flowers with a note where you wish him all the best for whatever you consider it to be important in his eyes. You can take a step further and ask him for a date, be nice with him, always focus on the bright side of your relationship, and avoid mentioning any bad memory.

During that date, enjoy your time together. Ask him about his work and family, encourage him to overcome any problem he might be facing. It is only when you show your ex-boyfriend that you are serious about the relationship, he will be willing to take you back.

Don’t risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.

Are you crying over spilt milk? Regretting the time when your anger got the better of you, and drove you over the edge? Feeling sorry that you called him so many names and swore never to see him again? Felt like hitting him when he broke it off? Well, in that case, you need some help. Look, it is required that you understand that in this love arena of gain and defeat, in pain and happiness, you are not alone. We all have been there, done that, but still it is never over.

If you think that this situation is the very end of your world, think again. Love is something that is forever alive, and in this battle of emotions and sentiments, you will always go through some difficult times. So what if your boyfriend broke with you? Every relationship has its ups and downs, and you must never lose heart.

When you are in a relationship, it is your responsibility to keep it alive. In order to do so, you will have to put in a lot of effort and work really hard. In such a case, for you, the game is not over yet. You can still fight and get him back. Read on for tips on how to get your ex-boyfriend back.

First thing for you to do would be to call him up. Do not tell him that you are sorry; rather state that you support his decision to break up. This information comes as shocking, does it not? Well, you can trust this device; this has been known to work before. You call him up and cry and tell him how much you’re sorry and accrue huge phone bills, and this shall be of no use. He will not come back to you. But if you take this approach, you will be able to surprise him.

Remember, surprise is the best form of defense. If you surprise him so, he will be wondering to know why you really support his decision, and that will make him want to call you up. Do not beg him to take you back in his life. That will make it too easy for him to realize that you are weak and you need him to be strong, and so he will take you for granted, and leave you completely broken-hearted. Use this tip on how to get your ex-boyfriend back, and you will definitely be satisfied with the results.

If your boyfriend does not answer your phone calls, you do not have to act hyper. Act logically. Send him a letter. Let your words sound a little aloof and assure him that you think that the break-up was the best idea to cool things down a bit, and think things over. He will contact you after that.
Now, there is nothing that you can do but wait. And this is the hardest part of all.

You will soon turn impatient and worry too much. But you can face all these and emerge victorious. Get out of your house and stay with friends. Move around with them, go shopping or to watch a movie, and you will be able to keep him out of your mind successfully. Never stay alone at a time like this, stay with people who love you and understand you.

However, it is crucial that you do not blow it and end up driving him further away. Never taunt him. That he will not appreciate. Never go out with other guys. That will make him jealous and much madder than before and he may start hating you, and your plan will backfire.

Keep using these tips on how to get your ex-boyfriend back, and you will be a winner in your love life for sure!

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide



Charles Simon

Charles Simon is an expert relationship adviser with six years of experience in reuniting ex-lovers.